There is ample evidence of a severe culture and training problem in the Ada County Sheriff’s Office. This incident is the most recent. The absence of ownership and apology show’s indifference to the Constitutional rights of the citizen and the public trust.

Voting with Democrat Kendra Kenyon, Commissioner Rod Beck appointed Matt Clifford in 2021 when Bartlett stepped down abruptly under a cloud.

Clifford was the 3rd (LAST) choice of the Republican Central Committee. We see the results of third-string performance on display.

Raise the bar. Vote for the Central Committee’s 2021 # 1 choice. Vote TRAUBEL for Sheriff Nov 5, 2024


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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

With a badge displayed, this is how what should have been a “consent contact” should have begun: “Beautiful day sir! I’m Deputy Keen. Can I help you?” A low-key, cheerful inquiry.

Every contact either builds or erodes the public trust.

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